Thursday, September 9, 2010

Finally Katie's Turn

Katie had her first day of preschool today. She goes Tues/Thurs afternoons. She was soooo ready! These past 2 1/2 weeks she's watched the other kids head off and wondered when it was her turn. She had a fun day and says she already has three friends. Two of those are girls from her dance class and a new girl but she doesn't know her name yet. It is mostly boys in her class unlike last year that was the opposite but I think she'll be okay. She said all they did was play today and they had a cookie and chocolate milk for snack. Sounds good to me! This was her first day outfit that she picked weeks ago. Little did we know it would be pretty cool and rainy. The sun did come out eventually so it wasn't too bad. I didn't think I could convince her to wear something else :)
It's not as convenient as I was hoping for when we signed her up. What with the school being right behind our house I was assuming the older kids could pick her up and they would all walk home together. Well she has to be signed in and out by someone at least 18, plus she gets out ten minutes before the other kids. Anyway I still think it will be good thing .