Almost two weeks ago on Sunday we woke up to several inches of snow. Usually it kind of creeps up on you. First you see it on the tops of the mountains and the next storm it will be little lower down until eventually it will be in your yard. But not this year! We had some rain the day before but it had stopped so I was thinking we weren't going to get anything else. Josh got up Sunday morning and told me we had several inches out there. For a second I thought he was joking. It snowed all during church and most of the afternoon as well. We decided to let the kids go out and play (is that bad?) Well I'm glad we did because the next day enough had melted that it just wouldn't have been any fun. The snow was completely gone after several days and we had some pretty warm weather but are now back to cooler but it's supposed to get warmer again. I guess that is Utah fall weather for you.