Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Soccer 2010

Soccer season ended a couple weeks ago, just in time for the weather to turn cooler. We had great weather for the girls games. It never rained and it was fairly warm even for the early 9 o'clock games. Emma played on the Green Geckos and Katie's team was named the Pink Princesses. It was hilarious to find out each week that almost all of the teams Katie's age were the princesses! Both girls did well and more importantly had a lot of fun. Katie's team is all first time players so you never know if you have good players on your team or not. Two of the girls were pretty tall and one ended up being very fast and very good. So I think after the first game not scoring at all and losing they won the rest of their games. Emma's team struggled at first as well, losing the first game 14-1. We found out later that two girls who were very good didn't make it to the first two games. So with those girls joining and the rest of the team getting better the rest of the season went much better. Emma has learned that she loves defense....and she's pretty good at it as well. Here are a few shots from Katie's game, everytime I took a picture she ended up being behind someone else.
I forgot to take the camera to any of Emma's games. I'll have to remember to do that when they start again in the spring.

Finally....there she is. Katie scored one goal! I missed it, because Emma had a game at the same time so I was with her. The next week I was at Katie's game and Josh wasn't there because he went to General Conference with Julia and his parents. Katie actually had the ball (one of the few times), she was going towards the goal with nobody really near her, I was so excited hoping to see her score a goal and then she ran right out of her shoe! She immediately stopped and look at me like, What happened! I tried to get her to keep going but I knew she wouldn't :0 She just had the funniest look on her face.

Stomping Leaves

While I was at Julia's dance class with her yesterday evening the rest of the family went to the backyard to rake up leaves. I don't know how much they enjoyed the raking but evidenced by these pictures they sure liked stomping them down in the garbage can.

This picture cut off Emma's head but Sophie looks so cute :)

Sophie is in there. You can see just the top of her head.

Halloween 2010

Our spooky pumpkins. The kids actually did some of the work this time but Josh still did the carving.
The kids all ready to head out. We were glad the rain decided to stop. Starting from the top: Tetra (a character from the video game The Legend of Zelda), a witch, a dinosaur, princess Belle and a pirate.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Finally Katie's Turn

Katie had her first day of preschool today. She goes Tues/Thurs afternoons. She was soooo ready! These past 2 1/2 weeks she's watched the other kids head off and wondered when it was her turn. She had a fun day and says she already has three friends. Two of those are girls from her dance class and a new girl but she doesn't know her name yet. It is mostly boys in her class unlike last year that was the opposite but I think she'll be okay. She said all they did was play today and they had a cookie and chocolate milk for snack. Sounds good to me! This was her first day outfit that she picked weeks ago. Little did we know it would be pretty cool and rainy. The sun did come out eventually so it wasn't too bad. I didn't think I could convince her to wear something else :)
It's not as convenient as I was hoping for when we signed her up. What with the school being right behind our house I was assuming the older kids could pick her up and they would all walk home together. Well she has to be signed in and out by someone at least 18, plus she gets out ten minutes before the other kids. Anyway I still think it will be good thing .

Monday, August 23, 2010

Off They Go!

We always have to get a picture with their best friend McKenna!
Emma the excited 4th grader

Matthew ready to start 2nd grade

Julia the big (okay not so big) 6th grader.

Here they are excited for their first day of school. Katie actually doesn't start for two weeks but she always likes to join in. And Sophie wants to do whatever the other kids are doing!

This year the school did something different- they had a back to school morning. So we had to get up even earlier to get the kids to school to meet their teachers and figure out where their classrooms are. I hope they go back to the back to school night the week before school starts. Josh went into work a little late so he could come with, mostly to keep Sophie contained. She really wanted to stay in Matthew's classroom. We found Katie's preschool room, it is just down the hall from Matthew and Julia and Emma are really close to each other as well.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fun with Stairs!

I put the pictures up in the wrong order and it won't let me move them. Anyway Sophie learned to crawl up the stairs yesterday. And she likes it so much she wants to go back down and do it again!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sophie's New Tricks

Up on Hands and Knees folks! She's ready to go! But no moving yet, except rocking forward and backward.
Eating Vegetables! (and other solidish foods)


First Ponytail!

Julia's 11th Birthday!

Julia had a great birthday. It was a busy day because of her dance class and on the way home from dance Josh stopped off at Arby's for her birthday dinner (her choice.) Then she opened the presents and we had cake and ice cream. She got some Webkinz (of course!), new crocs, jazz dance pants and a keyboard.

Sophie enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper.