Andrea and I have been suffering from a newly discovered ailment known as Blogger's Block. This occurs when you have plenty of things that would be worth posting on your blog, but for various reasons are unable to actual post anything. Andrea's block stems mostly from the idea that every decent post will have at least one relevant picture with it, and she believes that she can't remember how to get the pictures from the camera to the blog. My block comes mostly from laziness. By the time I get a chance to sit down at the computer and write something, I figure I'd rather just sit and read a book, watch a movie, or best of all, go to bed.
Fortunately I've had a restful afternoon "watching" Ben Hur, so I think I'm going to be able to get a couple posts written.
We also have another option to help keep our blog up-to-date, Julia. She recently received an award in front of the whole school for being the best typist in the 3rd grade, (23 words-per-minute with no mistakes) and she is very good at using the computer. She also has her own digital camera, and I think she could learn how to get the pictures from the camera to the blog. So stay tuned for some posts from a guest blogger.