After waiting patiently Matthew will get to have a little Sister!! Oh he already has one of those doesn't he? Well he gets to have another one! I know, poor guy and poor daddy with only one boy to do all of the manly stuff with. I'll admit to being disappointed but I think it's mostly because I was counting on a boy so much. This whole time I've been thinking of the baby as a he and thinking of boy names. I thought I made a deal that I would have one more baby but it must be a boy. Somebody obviously did not get the memo. The sonogram technician was very confident that it was a girl. At the beginning she asked us if we wanted to find out and then she asked us what we had so she knew that we were wanting a boy. At first she thought the baby wouldn't cooperate to find out at all but then she moved. I think I'm glad about that because I would've been counting on it being a boy the rest of the time.
Well now we need to start thinking of girls names instead!
Congratulations!! Boy or girl--it doesn't much matter as somebody upstairs knows best what will make a fabulous family!
From Aunt Becky, girls rule!!!!
Congratulaions! How fun a house full of girls Matthew is one lucky boy.
Congrats! Girls are great but you already know that. Elizabeth has decided she doesn't like her name and chooses new names for herself everyday so here are some suggestions from her recent choices. Rainbow, Charlotte, Rose, Rosalee
How exciting! I was just thinking you would find out soon.
I'm excited for you, even though you were leaning in the boy direction...Matthew is going to have lots of practice on how to treat girls! :)
Congratulations!! Seems like not very long ago you were at our home and just newly expecting Julia. Matthew will just have to get extra time with Josh so he doesn't end up being too "sensitive!" Ha, ha!
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