Sunday, March 8, 2009

10 Digit Dialing

There is going to be a new area code in Utah so starting March 1st we had to start dialing 801 for all local calls. You need to call your next door neighbor? You must dial 801 first. How about your husband at work? 801 first. We actually weren't sure when the change was happening and Julia had a lens come out of her glasses so I was panicking and called Josh to ask if we had any screws for eyeglasses around. It just beeped at me and said I must dial the area code first. I changed over the speed dial numbers on our phone for people we call the most but there are still a lot of people we would call but not on a regular enough basis to put them in our phone. I call a lot of people through my church calling and last week had to keep reminding myself to use the area code. It would be nice if you could plug your cell phone into your computer and download the ward list.
Matthew's teacher is up to speed. This last week they were working on learning their phone numbers and she made sure to teach them the area code as well. I doubt a year or two ago they would've bothered to do that. It will be interesting once she has students with two different area codes. At the end of the month they will start assigning people numbers with the new area code.

1 comment:

Renee said...

It's STILL driving me crazy!! Someday I'll get the hang of it! UGH!!