Sunday, March 30, 2008

Birthdays and Snow days

We had our first snowfall of the year on Katie's birthday. So I had the idea of keeping track of whether it snowed or not on the other birthdays in our family. I figured there was a good chance for Josh's and Julia's but still you never know how much you will get winter to winter, let alone that it will snow on those exact days. Well on Christmas Eve while at my sisters house celebrating it snowed quite a bit and then it snowed on Julia's birthday as well. As Emma's birthday got closer I had forgotten all about it, especially since it had been so warm. But yesterday while we celebrated with John here, down came the snow and it is snowing today as well. I was hoping it would at least be the last snowfall of the season but we're forecast to get more this week. If it snows on Matthew's or my birthday we're moving.


Heidi said...

That is so crazy about the snow on all the birthdays. Not so surprising with Josh and Julia but a lot less likely for Katie and Emma. I'll be hoping for snow in June and then you can move back to Kansas.

Andrea said...

I don't know, after reading Marz's blog California is looking pretty good right about now.

Amanda said...

Definitely move if there is snow on your birthday. California is looking good to me, too!