Julia got her braces off today. She was/is very excited. She was very excited that she could feel the roof of her mouth once more! There was an expanding retainer up there blocking access. She also commented many times that she could see her teeth! She will more than likely get them on again in a few years once she loses all of her baby teeth. These braces were only on her front eight teeth. She had the impressions done for her retainers and did well with that, it took a lot less time than last time she had it done. We will pick up her retainers tomorrow and we were told some good news, she only has to wear them at night. I assumed she would need to wear them most of the time, at least for awhile. So I was worried about her having to deal with them at school (I've heard many stories of retainers getting thrown away and people having to dig through the cafeteria garbage.) The orthodontist said they were planning to put in a fixed retainer on the bottom but her gums in the back were coming up so high on her teeth it would be too difficult/painful to do it. So we're going with a removable one on the bottom as well.

Julia looks beautiful! She has a great smile!
I love the before and after pictures. That is nice she'll only have to wear the retainer at night.
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