We have a tradition of taking the kids in to get their first professional pictures done at 3 months. I think it started because we had a coupon for a free 8x10 if we had it done by the time they were 3 months old. Sophie was so cute and was constantly smiling. It looked like she was having as much fun as Katie did when I took her this past spring. When Sophie gets a little older they can have fun posing together :) She had so many cute ones I couldn't resist buying some more. I also got a collage they'll put together with some other pictures and we'll get those in a few days.
Last Saturday I was trying to get Sophie to smile for the picture. Sorry for the blurriness but she finally did smile. She actually laughed a little bit as well.
On Sunday Sophie looked so cute I just had to take some pictures.

Wow, 3 months already! She looks darling, and definitely looks like her siblings. Is that red hair?
Again!....everyone keeps saying it's red! Actualy I didn't notice it before but it does look really red in that picture. It looks like it has some red in it only in certain light or something because it's not all of the time.
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