No, I'm not talking about the BYU basketball team this week, (Although I expect them to beat San Diego St. tonight and go 2-0 this week.) I'm talking about my soccer and basketball teams.

I've been playing on an indoor soccer team with some people from work for the last several weeks. We signed up for an intermediate division, but most of the time it has seemed like we've been a little out matched. The other teams were usually a little faster and better at controlling the ball. The result so far has been 0 wins and combined scoring of 11 goals for us and 37 for our opponents. It's been a little discouraging, but we've still had some fun. Thursday night our game started at 10:45 PM (and that's not even the last game of the night). This time we were playing against the second to last place team (We're in last.) and we managed to open up a 4-0 lead. Unfortunately we only had one substitute and we started to get a little tired. With about 5 minutes left the score was tied 5-5. Fortunately we managed to turn up the intensity and ended up winning 7-5. I even got credit for a goal. I was playing defender and stole the ball and was passing it to a teammate near the goal. One of the defenders tried to hit it with his head and it bounced over the goalie and in for a score. A bad pass turned into a goal for us.
This morning at 7 AM (Who schedules these things?) our ward had our last Elder's Quorum basketball game. We've been playing for the last month and a half, but our team has been pretty inconsistant. Sometimes 5 people show up, sometimes 9 or 10, and there have probably been at least 15 people who have played in at least one game. Unfortunately, we haven't played very well as a team (or individually for that matter) and have lost all our games. (Excep

t the one when the other team didn't show up and we won by forfeit.) Most of the time it has still been fun to play but it does get a little frustrating. This morning we only had 5 players, including one who had never played on the team before. Fortunately, the other team also had only 5 players. We started out as usual, falling behind 9-2, but we managed to get back into the game, and with about 2 minutes left in the game we got our first lead of the season at 41-40. We hit another 3-pointer and it was time for the other team to try to foul us. They hadn't fouled us much the second half so they had to foul us 4 times before we would shoot free throws which meant that there were only 4.2 seconds left on the clock. The free throw missed but after 2 time-outs they weren't able to get a shot off in time and we had our first win of the season.
Glad you are able to have fun at these crazy hours for sports! Congrats on the wins!!
Congratulations on your wins. I think Joshua will probably be great at playing soccer in the middle of the night, too. He sure liked kicking around in the middle of the night before he was born!
Sounds fun. Too bad BYU didn't go 2-0 too. Have you guys made it to any bball games?
We went to the New Mexico game in January. It was a lot of fun. The tickets were a Christmas present for Josh.
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