We have had so much snow this winter. It has been a lot more than last winter and I thought that was a lot.....compared to what we would get in Kansas. Josh overheard people at church today saying that there hasn't been a winter with constant snow on the ground like this year in several years. The first few times it snowed our kids were out playing in it but now they are more interested in playing the video games we got for Christmas.
Yesterday during President Hinckley's funeral they commented that it was a beautiful day, one of the few days without snow and not even cloudy! Before we left for church Josh shoveled the driveway and when we got home it didn't even look like he had shoveled at all. And now it has started snowing again. The girls have early-out from school all week for Parent, Teacher conferences so I'll have to get them outside to play in this wonderful? snow.
I love your blog!! Great template too!! It will be fun to see more pictures and hear your thoughts about the Harrison Happenings!
Welcome to the blogging world. We got tons of snow today. I love it until we have to go out in it. That's a great snowman. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I think I need boots and snow pants so that I'll actually be dry playing in the snow.
It is so fun to see the pictures and I love hearing about things. That is a very impressive snowman. We haven't had nearly as much snow as I thought we would.
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